Dianne and Golden Haired Dancer Rye Victoria, Australia5 minutes, 58 seconds ago
Hello Jennifer, it is a warm night here. I am sitting outside writing to you and enjoying the sound of the surf. Not enjoying the insects so I am burning a Mozzie Coil. Mindy came in early as she always wants to eat. Mungo remained more elusive, staying close to the house but running away from me when I offerred him food. I think that I should have named him Rumpleteaser! Whilst I was writing to Ed, I heard a strange growling sound in my backyard. Mungo quickly appeared and was happy to go inside. The strange growling sound reminded me of Koalas. However I do not know of any trees around here that Koalas like to live in.They only inhabit certain trees. I certainly knew their growl when I lived in Jamieson. It was weird. I am now off to bed. Enjoy your day.