Susan and Gwindor6 minutes, 51 seconds ago
Morning sprinkles...glad you got somewhat cleared out. Looks like you have a bit of warm up today but cloudy so probably not much melting. The good news is....spring has sprung! I am so glad you enjoyed the rolls. I know I sure did. We were able to put 4 of them in the freezer for another meal. So glad you had a lovely evening. Hope M got home fine. I'm not really sure what was up with the nausea I didn't eat much yesterday because of it. The nausea usually only lingers when I have the dizziness, so not sure...maybe just a touch of stomach upset, don't feel too bad today. Had a rough night last night, hard time falling asleep, once about to drift off Sis got me up to go out...once that cold air hit me, woke me right up again. It was around 4 am when I finally fell asleep. Kind of slept in a bit. Sis is still in the back, not up yet. She sure can be stubborn...I will have to get her in next week to have her liver blood work done again to see how the Denamarin is working. Ed may be home tonight....he will let me know later today. We will be starting a big project outside, he is planning on reorganizing his one shed, he has just thrown stuff in there, so we are going to put shelves in