Freedom Farm Flora , Mackinaw, Michigan  

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Paula and Dotty1 minute ago


Nancy and C T From ON. Canada26 minutes, 19 seconds ago


Penny and Twilight (Devon UK)6 hours, 43 minutes ago

Hi Susan. Well no rain but sunny after a grey start.  Did some tidying in the garden and uncovered my patio furniture in the hope we will soon have some warmer weather! Forecast has changed to dry now this week.  Yes my brother called in for about an hour and a half this afternoon- Monty and Theo went outside so he could bring his dog Tigs inside.  Hope you’re having a good afternoon.  Love and hugs from across the pond xxx

Susan and Gwindor10 hours, 24 minutes ago

Morning sprinkles...quite chilly here this morning but we are fixing to head out to start on the shed. We slept in a bit this morning. That was nice. Sis got me up in the night, and I don't know what kind of creature was in the back yard, but it was a noise I had never heard before. Sis was heading towards it and I had to keep calling her back. I had a flashlight but couldn't see anything. Had a hard time falling back to sleep. Yes I was happy with Sis, this morning not so much. Daddy is home and I think she thinks he will give in to her. Nope not happening. I have her appointment set up for Tuesday morning for her liver blood work. So we will see what they say. Well hopefully the piggy will eat early Monday morning. I'm glad your not too worried, I know last time it was such a close call and you were still trying to get over that illness and it was quite cold. Ed just headed out doors so I need to get dressed to go out and start helping. I bet your little menagerie of critters are quite the cute site. I'm sure they appreciate the food you provide for them. Not too much for them to forage yet. I hope you enjoy your day...sending love, hugs and kisses to my bestie....say a prayer th

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Garden Owners
Susan and Seraphina
Seraphina is Legendary VII FINALLY! AUGUST 27,2022.❤
About This Garden
Freedom Farm Flora , Mackinaw, Michigan
A safe haven for the fey and all woodland creatures. Dedicated to the memory of my beloved husband, Bill and my sweet brother Patrick and all of our Freedom farm pups over the years, Nelson, Jane, Ruby, Pearl and my precious Ziggy ❤

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Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level VI (24467 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Dotty watered the Piscis Aquabullae
(1 minute, 4 seconds ago)
Nudella watered the Bellis Lycaena
(20 minutes, 56 seconds ago)
C T From ON. Canada watered the Pink Cap Mushroom
(26 minutes, 24 seconds ago)
Nudella watered the Piscis Aquabullae
(47 minutes, 9 seconds ago)
Nudella watered the Bellis Lycaena
(49 minutes, 33 seconds ago)
Nudella watered the Bellis Lycaena
(57 minutes, 22 seconds ago)

Garden Age
16 years

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  Piscis Aquabullae  
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  Bird Mix (Triple Organic)  
Status:11 feeds remaining
Left Out:10 hours, 59 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Arrived 3 hours, 8 minutes ago
Stayed 16 minutes, 45 seconds but wasn't spotted
Arrived 5 hours, 15 minutes ago
Spotted by Starlite after 12 seconds
Reward: 5   1
Arrived 8 hours, 11 minutes ago
Spotted by Piglet The Frenchy Dog. after 5 minutes, 59 seconds
Reward: 4
Field Mouse
Arrived 10 hours, 10 minutes ago
Spotted by Moonshine after 21 minutes, 52 seconds
Reward: 1
  Pink Cap Mushroom  
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  Bird Mix (Triple Organic)  
Status:15 feeds remaining
Left Out:37 minutes, 50 seconds ago
Wildlife Attracted
(Nothing, yet!)
  Bellis Lycaena  
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  Piscis Aquabullae  
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