Susan and Gwindor17 minutes, 27 seconds ago
Nigh time sprinkles...a very low key day. Ed got home earlier than expected he arrived around 2:30. So I didn't get in the office. You had dinner for breakfast and we had breakfast for dinner, bacon, fried potatoes, and eggs. Lol. I'm pleased you liked the rolls. They are laborious but in my opinion worth it. I didn't think you would get much melting today....did the piggy eat? I know you were starting to fret a bit. Hmmm....the nieces being quite. May be a good thing but the the way my mind works, my imagination would be running wild. I'm sure if M gets quiet again and you sense something is bothering him, you will approach the subject. I know you are probably just chomping at the bit wondering how Holly responded. I know I would. Ed already started on the shed, for the most part we can work well together as long as it is a planned project, if we have other ideas of what we want to do and then we are asked to help sometimes it gets off to a rocky start. But by this being planned, we can brace ourselves and know when to bite our tongues, if things get dicey. On a positive note...Sis finished her food last night by herself, and this morning I didn't have to hand feed her, after a few minutes of sitting there, she ate it all by herself. Progress. I hope you had a good day. Ready for Dreamland...didn't get a nap today after the restless night, as I knew tomorrow was going to be busy and I hopefully I will get a good nights sleep. Will meet you under the tree....sending my bestie lots of love, hugs and kisses!