Dianne and Chester And Kiki Lemonloop33 seconds ago
Friday night sprinkle 🙂❤ Hi Annie. EB, tyvm. I'm very far behind on my returns, this has been a busy week. I had an appointment with one of my oncologists today. She told me I don't have to see her again, which is great news!
Went to Ikea last night and managed not to buy anything, lol - my cousin bought a new chair and some tables. We had dinner there, Swedish meatballs - very good.
How did Scotland do in the football match? I am just flipping through channels while I do my returns, soon time to head off for bed.
Hope you have a great Saturday! xxx
Went to Ikea last night and managed not to buy anything, lol - my cousin bought a new chair and some tables. We had dinner there, Swedish meatballs - very good.
How did Scotland do in the football match? I am just flipping through channels while I do my returns, soon time to head off for bed.
Hope you have a great Saturday! xxx