Deborah and Enchantra (Newcastle ON Can) 2 minutes, 30 seconds ago
Friday hubby and I took Rylee and Jojo to the vet for their annual checkup. It was also time to renew their Bravecto so we all got a road trip. Rylee likes to go in the car and sits on the seat behind me an watches out the window. I'm not sure about Jojo. She sits on the seat behind hubby but then gets down on the floor behind his seat and lay down. Rylee watches the scenery as we drive - occasionally barking at people, pets or cows. Once we got to the vet we unloaded them and proceeded with the visit to Dr. Matt. Both were well behaved but I chose to muzzle Rylee when they took him back for his Heartworm blood draw. I would rather be safe as Rylee does react inappropriately at times and I didn't want him to get really upset and bite a vet tech. I'm happy to say that both got a clean bill of health and we got home ahead of any nasty weather and stayed home all weekend warm and dry. Happy Monday.