Hayden and Alex's Garden.......QLD, AUS 

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Garden Owners
Alex and Buttercup (Qld, AU)
Buttercup (Qld, AU) after 4 years I have finally changed my garden name as my 9yo son is now quite the Fairyland addict!!!!!
About This Garden
Hayden and Alex's Garden.......QLD, AUS
Please remember that life is short. Tell people that are important to you that you love them as often as you can. We never know what tomorrow could bring.

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level II (342 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Buttercup (Qld, AU) watered the Piscis Aquabullae
(1 minute, 18 seconds ago)
Buttercup (Qld, AU) sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Piscis Aquabullae, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(1 hour, 8 minutes ago)
Buttercup (Qld, AU) sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Piscis Aquabullae, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(1 hour, 9 minutes ago)
Buttercup (Qld, AU) sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Piscis Aquabullae, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(1 hour, 9 minutes ago)
Periwinkle watered the Pink Cap Mushroom
(1 hour, 12 minutes ago)
Una watered the Piscis Aquabullae
(1 hour, 34 minutes ago)

Garden Age
16 years, 3 months

Report This Garden
  Bird Mix (Double Organic)  
Status:2 feeds remaining
Left Out:19 hours, 32 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
White Mouse
Arrived 2 hours, 21 minutes ago
Spotted by Mack Ernie after 23 minutes, 4 seconds
Reward: 1
Arrived 5 hours, 5 minutes ago
Stayed 43 minutes, 30 seconds but wasn't spotted
Pygmy Mouse
Arrived 7 hours, 7 minutes ago
Spotted by Olaf the Obese after 19 minutes, 30 seconds
Reward: 2
Field Mouse
Arrived 9 hours, 2 minutes ago
Spotted by Precious after 9 minutes, 10 seconds
Reward: 1
White Mouse
Arrived 11 hours, 34 minutes ago
Spotted by Tinkerbell, Essex,England X, Bird Watching Xx after 20 minutes, 58 seconds
Reward: 1
Field Mouse
Arrived 13 hours, 24 minutes ago
Spotted by Netti after 5 minutes, 48 seconds
Reward: 1
Arrived 15 hours, 21 minutes ago
Spotted by PixieDust after 10 minutes, 24 seconds
Reward: 4
Singing Bush Lark
Arrived 18 hours, 54 minutes ago
Spotted by Buttercup (Qld, AU) after 20 minutes, 15 seconds
Reward: 2
  Veggies (Triple Organic)  
Status:7 feeds remaining
Left Out:19 hours, 32 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Pygmy Mouse
Arrived 1 hour, 37 minutes ago
Spotted by Una after 2 minutes, 53 seconds
Reward: 2   1
White Mouse
Arrived 4 hours, 4 minutes ago
Spotted by Violet VII; Watering William after 49 minutes, 40 seconds
Reward: 1
Arrived 6 hours, 52 minutes ago
Spotted by Olaf the Obese after 4 minutes, 22 seconds
Reward: 1   1
Pygmy Mouse
Arrived 9 hours, 35 minutes ago
Spotted by Precious after 42 minutes, 38 seconds
Reward: 2
Arrived 12 hours, 16 minutes ago
Spotted by Isadora after 43 minutes, 37 seconds
Reward: 1
White Mouse
Arrived 14 hours, 17 minutes ago
Spotted by Aphrodite after 5 minutes, 25 seconds
Reward: 1
Arrived 16 hours, 41 minutes ago
Spotted by Poppy after 40 minutes, 59 seconds
Reward: 1
Pygmy Mouse
Arrived 18 hours, 45 minutes ago
Spotted by Buttercup (Qld, AU) after 18 minutes, 17 seconds
Reward: 2
  Piscis Aquabullae  
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  Piscis Aquabullae  
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
  Piscis Aquabullae  
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
  Piscis Aquabullae  
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
  Pink Cap Mushroom  
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!

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