Harmonious, Peaceful Retreat (UK) 

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Garden Owners
Lesley and Ilgis (Lincoln UK)
Ilgis (Lincoln UK) is happily flitting round gardens, spotting critters and watering plants. She thanks all fairies for visiting her garden and helping to spot wildlife there.
About This Garden
Harmonious, Peaceful Retreat (UK)
This English garden is a special place for reflection, meditation, relaxation and enjoyment of the beauty and power of nature. Basking in sunshine, bathed in moonlight and refreshed by showers and the nip of frost. Lesley and Ilgis welcome all.

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level I (92 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Ilgis (Lincoln UK) sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Forest Ruby, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(11 minutes, 51 seconds ago)
Ilgis (Lincoln UK) sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Forest Ruby, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(11 minutes, 54 seconds ago)
Ilgis (Lincoln UK) sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Forest Ruby, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(11 minutes, 56 seconds ago)
Ilgis (Lincoln UK) sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Forest Ruby, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(11 minutes, 58 seconds ago)
Ilgis (Lincoln UK) sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Forest Ruby, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(12 minutes ago)
Ilgis (Lincoln UK) sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Forest Ruby, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(12 minutes, 2 seconds ago)

Garden Age
16 years, 7 months

Report This Garden
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  Veggies (Triple Regular)  
Status:15 feeds remaining
Left Out:1 hour, 48 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
(Nothing, yet!)
  Bird Mix (Triple Regular)  
Status:2 feeds remaining
Left Out:1 day, 20 hours ago
Wildlife Attracted
Arrived 39 minutes, 32 seconds ago
Spotted by Ash after 27 minutes, 29 seconds
Reward: 2
Arrived 3 hours, 30 minutes ago
Stayed 57 minutes, 15 seconds but wasn't spotted
Arrived 7 hours, 11 minutes ago
Spotted by Lola Lollipop after 8 minutes, 20 seconds
Reward: 2
Arrived 11 hours, 3 minutes ago
Spotted by Holunderfee after 39 minutes, 9 seconds
Reward: 2
Arrived 15 hours, 12 minutes ago
Spotted by Leo, Eb♥ny, Joey And Elsa ™ after 47 minutes, 45 seconds
Reward: 2
Arrived 18 hours, 34 minutes ago
Spotted by Charlie Chan .♥´ MN, USA (Lee) after 2 minutes, 35 seconds
Reward: 2   1
Arrived 23 hours, 29 minutes ago
Spotted by Jonesy after 23 minutes, 14 seconds
Reward: 2
Arrived 1 day, 3 hours ago
Spotted by Angel And Goosey NDMP after 39 minutes, 4 seconds
Reward: 2
Arrived 1 day, 6 hours ago
Stayed 58 minutes, 42 seconds but wasn't spotted
Arrived 1 day, 8 hours ago
Spotted by Lady Doughnut after 40 minutes, 12 seconds
Reward: 2
Arrived 1 day, 12 hours ago
Spotted by Holunderfee after 5 minutes, 55 seconds
Reward: 2
Pygmy Mouse
Arrived 1 day, 16 hours ago
Stayed 55 minutes, 4 seconds but wasn't spotted
Arrived 1 day, 18 hours ago
Spotted by Magi after 38 minutes, 42 seconds
Reward: 2
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  Pisces Astroflorus  
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
  Forest Ruby  
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!

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