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Valentine Rose

Rachel and Tulip4 weeks, 1 day ago

I can't seem to find the valentine rose, any clues on where it is?

Dominique and Arabella 4 weeks, 1 day ago

You have to spot a cupid mouse in another garden and have an empty glass vase in your garden.

From the wildlife guide:
If you have an empty "Glass Vase" in your Garden (this pot comes free with the Loveflower) and you spot a Cupid Mouse in another Garden, he will fire his arrow into your Garden, planting a beautiful Valentine Rose in your empty vase!

April and Scarlet4 weeks, 1 day ago

I’ve been off the game for a few years…were the pink heart vases a previous valentine pot? I don’t see any in the marketplace but I’ve seen quite a few in gardens…do you know what it is from? There’s a dark pink one with light pink hearts on it and a light pink one with dark pink hearts on it.  Thanks for your help…I don’t see any other valentines posts on here….

Dominique and Arabella 4 weeks, 1 day ago

Yes, I think these are all pots from previous valentine challenges.
I have the light and dark pink one in storage and checked them out but there seems to be no option to sell them at the marketplace.

April and Scarlet4 weeks, 1 day ago

Thank you, I figured I probably just missed it and wouldn’t be able to get one. They are really cute! Thanks for sharing!

Rejeanne and Lucienne4 weeks, 1 day ago

Does anyone knows how to get the red shape heart pot?

Dominique and Arabella 4 weeks ago

If someone uses stardust on the RFH loveflower, then it will turn into a red heart pot.

Amber and Opalena2 weeks, 6 days ago

If I stardust the rfh loveflower in my garden myself will it change into the red heart pot, or is it only if someone else stardusts it? Asking first because it only says 'animate for a week' and I don't want to waste a stardust!

Tracey and Cobweb2 weeks, 6 days ago

You can do it yourself if you want and it will, as it says, animate for a week just as it would if someone else did it :)
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