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bouquet vase for griffin, duck and mice

Rene and LON NDMP1 month ago

1. I read the making bouquets thread but dont see this info.... i recall once you make the pot correctly it removes the plant from your garden I think.... i recall having a ventus or luna or some RFH i grew for 'weeks' and thought ill make a pot while im doing a quest for them and my plant disappeared and i had to start all over again.???
2. For griffin (or other myths) can i plant a higher e.g. a pink cap mush or must it be the griffin mushy? Does this mean if i get the right combination my pink cap will vanish and have to be replanted to attract the griffin again?
3. for mice and ducks what plant will disappear or how do i make that pot.... (if there is a thread i can go read it)?


Dominique and Arabella 1 month ago

For none of the vases you need a RFH plant to make the vase.
For the mouse and mallard vase you need a flowering Bellis Lycaena,  you have to try all colours of the bellis.
For the phoenix and unicorn vase, you have to try all mushrooms up to the pink cap mushroom.
For the baby unicorn vase, you have to try all enchanted mushrooms.
If you click on the pot you want to use and click 'make a vase', it will also tell you if you are missing the right plant in your garden.
All plants will disappear if you find the right combination.

Rene and LON NDMP1 month ago

to make a badger for example i needed to set up to attract one isnt it? (so have a rfh luna) and then that plant disappears when you get the right combination. i did 2 when i came out so rusty.

LOL so rusty i thought there was also gold griffin but see now there isnt omw, maybe i meant the phoenix

Dominique and Arabella 1 month ago

No. To make the badger vase, you also need a  flowering Bellis Lycaena :)
If you start the bouquet,  then you have to attract one badger in your garden and spot one badger in another garden.

Mary and *Zed* With Newt 1 month ago

Once you have the badger vase made, you need to attract one and spot one in order to get the greenery. After that first box is filled with that attracted and spotted badger you can then you need to figure out what the remaining critters in that vase might be. There will be four empty spaces after the first one is filled. You can set up for something to attract and test...or you can spot to test. If it is the badger vase...then it will be potentially any of the critters listed in the wildlife guide for that level.
No plants are removed after you have performed the correct alchemy for the vase...unless of course you do another vase. All plants used for the vase testing are fully ready for harvest ones.

Mary and *Zed* With Newt 1 month ago

For the myths you can, for example, use the pink cap to attract the phoenix or the griffin. It does not have to be the mushroom at ready for harvest. The only one that would need ready for harvest would be if you discovered in the myth vases that you needed a rainbow unicorn...that mushroom would have to be ready for harvest. Some people use a mix of fully grown mushrooms or ready for harvest when doing the myth vases. Now in doing alchemy...if it is the right mushroom for the vase making...then will disappear.

Rene and LON NDMP1 month ago

Clearly  I'll have to head around vase making again.
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