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Susan and JazzyRazzy Sprinkleplops*FFU/ ALFF1 week, 3 days ago

Just a question. Wonder why the crane isn’t listed as a critter for the black and white quest. It black and white. Hmmm. Thoughts?

Shannon and Little (FFU)1 week, 3 days ago

It has a bit of red on its face - between the eyes.

Paula and **❄️❤️Trixie❤️☀️**1 week, 3 days ago

Susan raises a valid point, the king penguin is included and it has yellow around its neck, puffin has an orange beak and red legs and is also included.  Snabbit is not included and probably should be, also the Giant Anteater which is all black.  Hippos is also black, tazzie devil is black and white.  Many more could be included.

Shannon and Little (FFU)1 week, 3 days ago

I can't remember all the black & white wildlife, but the snabbit is grey.
Additionally the requirement is wildlife that is black AND white, so anything that is all black wouldn't qualify.

Paula and **❄️❤️Trixie❤️☀️**1 week, 3 days ago

Snabbit looks more white to me than raccoon which is grey.  It's not just wildlife that is striped B&W, it's also those that are just black and just white.  Would be pretty hard to do Level 8 which requires albino and melanistic if only bi-coloured wildlife counted.  Here's the list of possible wildlife for the quest:
The mole (only black) is included and it has a pink nose and pink feet.

Shannon and Little (FFU)1 week, 3 days ago

Sorry, I was thinking about pandas and bamboo.
Yes, the black and white quests do ask for black, white, and both.

As for the snabbit - it looks kinda grey, kinda white, so I guess Mike decided it wasn't in the b&w quests.
Hippos - per Google - are gray-brown in color with a pale pink underside, so that's probably why.
Giant anteaters are brown with white and black stripes.
T. Devils are dark brown to black fur (sometimes with a hint of red-brown).

Tracey and Cobweb1 week, 3 days ago

The crane looks black and grey to me, rather than black and white.

Shannon and Little (FFU)1 week, 3 days ago

Cranes - per Google - brown, gray, or white in color

Given that Mike only has so many pixels to create these critters, I guess he's taken a bit of liberties when coloring/creating.

Tracey and Cobweb1 week, 3 days ago

The RSPB says they're "mostly grey".
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