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Sue and Shani2 weeks, 1 day ago

Is there any chance that we could buy the cards?  I've ditched 5 cards today.  I don't begrudge the gold spent hunting CG's, what else am I going to spend it on but I do begrudge the time taken.  There are so few gardens doing High Tea.

You could charge what you like 50, 100 even 150 gold in time saved it would be well worth it.

Sue and Shani2 weeks, 1 day ago

Just had another thought.  Could we pick one of the cards that we've spotted whilst getting our 5th?

Yes I do realise that this challenge wasn't meant to be easy but it was alot easier then than it is now for the simple reason that there aren't the quantity of players doing it.

Mary and *Zed* With Newt 2 weeks, 1 day ago

Just in case you didn't don't have to hunt specifically all five card gardeners in the suit that you need the card to be. Only the last card gardener has to be of the suit that you require.

I think that Alice is an improvement over the candies as we can change almost all the cards to a higher card or lower card with a diamond sprinkle. That gives us a great advantage. Only the Ace cannot be dusted down, and the King cannot be dusted up. But if you need a four of a specific suit for example...then either a three, four or five of the suit will are just not limited to one specific card.

Yes...there are fewer gardens just like when any challenge is released...that certainly hasn't changed. I would suspect that there might be monthly increases in the gardens if Alice is included in the monthly pottery lottery.

Perhaps a group of like-minded fairies could set up a Facebook group for Fairyland Alice? That could provide more gardens to hunt in.

I don't agree with buying one's way out to solve an issue.

Sue and Shani2 weeks, 1 day ago

Yes I realise you can hunt in other gardens for the CG but you still need the 5th from a specific garden and in my case it's High Tea.  There are only 11 gardens currently with High Tea two of which are frozen or open depending on the weather.  Yes I know you can dust a card to increase/decrease it but to get four 3's in one day and neither the 2 or the 4 being any good to you is depressing.  Were there ever that few gardens doing any specific thing when you did Alice.

These challenges are good but they only work when everyone is doing them.

Mary and *Zed* With Newt 2 weeks, 1 day ago

I did seem to get the same card over and over and over again. As did many others. It is what bonded us...and provided some laughs. And then eureka...happiness was...a card that could be used either dusted or as it stood. It was rather exciting after all the waiting and getting the same card. I have never been one to be in a rush...just causes stress. So I didn't have a bunch of cards sitting waiting to be ready for harvest. One or two cards sitting in the wings waiting to be ready for harvest. I am not sure if there is any merit to this...but I felt that by getting a lot of cards on the same day kept me in a rut of the same cards. I might hunt for card gardeners to get to the magic four and then be ready the next day to get the fifth card gardener for a new card. The greenhouse was of great use too because if a card was close but not useable, then could store away for future use. A definite advantage.
I did several of the challenges later on than most including the rainbow of fish, bottom dwellers, topiaries and Fairytales. Same issues of not enough gardens for spotting purposes especially for the bottom dwellers and that took me probably close to a year to find the underwater seeds and the required number of bottom dwellers to be spotted before I could start. Fairytales I did not have enough seeds and that kept me back...and again not enough pinks to buy the pots. It just took longer and at times I had to abort the challenge and do something else while I gathered resources. Topiaries were not as bad as it was perhaps just a year after they came out that I started them. I had to gather topiary seeds first because I was not playing for a couple years so had not grown a seasonal tree to get the topiary seeds.
Enjoy the challenge and its is a reflection of Wonderland after all.

Fiona and Stardust 2 weeks, 1 day ago

[Post deleted by author]

Fiona and Stardust 2 weeks, 1 day ago

Also why sell gold if we shouldn't be taking the easy option?  It's a choice and people should have choices.

Mary and *Zed* With Newt 2 weeks, 1 day ago

The ones doing the pottery lottery DO HAVE TO ATTRACT...that is part of the requirements for the attract and spot. Only have to spot one, but attract two. So there are two chances for others to spot. Many do full plates of critters afte they have attracted their two to help. I have done extra dinos to help out plus have done bottom dwellers to assist and also topiaries for months on end after I completed those have others. And as far as Alice goes...did more than was required to help others with their rare Alice spots. There has to be an element of challenge or what would the point be? If I could find everything that I needed with one sprinkle, I would certainly tire of that. If you look at the rewards for various challenges...many come with a reward and each of them assist in completing another challenge. None of these rewards were bought...they were awarded due to completing the challenge. I stand firm on my thoughts about not being able to buy your way through a challenge.

Tracey and Cobweb2 weeks, 1 day ago

I agree with you, Mary, on all of your points.

Sue and Shani2 weeks, 1 day ago

Mary, we've all helped other fairies whether it be just planting their next mushroom so they can spot that uni or spotting a difficult critter or leaving msgs on back walls saying that something in Alice is due.   I thought that was what fl was about, helping each other.

  If you can find more than 11 High Tea gardens then please let me have the links and I'll be happy but there just aren't the ppl out there doing it, that's what's making it difficult, as I'll sit here all day spotting CG's to get the cards I need.

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