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Please tell me how did people fin the quests for the plates?

Jules and Truly ❤️ Loved 2 months, 1 week ago

I've been trying for years. How on earth was this even possible. Feeling hopeless.

Andrea and Pᥲpεя Cяᥲղε (Oɾἶzυяυ)\_(ツ)_/¯2 months, 1 week ago

Are you talking about the levelling up quests where the reward is food platter parts?  If so, I gave up on them a long while ago.  Every now and then I find myself doing one just for fun, but that’s it.  I guess they’re not for everyone, although some fairies love them.

Gem and Pagan (FFU Admin)2 months, 1 week ago

I don't get the quests. I am useless at doing them, I always forget!

Paula and **❄️❤️Trixie❤️☀️**2 months, 1 week ago

I have been doing them off and on for years, essentially for something to do when I'm not doing any other challenge.  As I'm trying to get the speed bonus, I made a note of the best time to do them - e.g. Tall Birds (do when peacocks and storks are about - around 22 September, or when flamingoes are around in early October).  Raining cats and dogs - do them when lions are about.  I'd do the highest level possible first (Level 6 for raining cats and dogs) and then work my way down the levels to complete the quest for each of them.   I level up by doing the easiest quest possible for that level and repeating it.  Level 1 is Mouse Hunter using cake, Level 2 was Reach for the Stars, Level 3 was Nice Weather for Ducks etc.   The seasonal quests are easy to do and repeat so take advantage of them for each level if you can.

Jean and Gnosalot2 months, 1 week ago

I finished them , by attracting all colors of caterpillars, in the wriggles quest. It was the easiest way. Then, I did the rest of them, rather leisurely. Good luck! ( I always thought we should have unlocked a few parts at a time, to reward our efforts , as we progressed. )

Jacqui and Astra 2 months, 1 week ago

I just returned about a month ago after a very long break.  I have 124 scrolls and can't wait to get the plate parts! lol

Cara and Leeland & Lucky The Gnome (FFU)2 months, 1 week ago

I try to combine them with the pot quests so for instance if I have something that I see the quests needs I attract for pot lottery first then switch to the regular quests and spot and attract then because you can now pause them I’ll pause again until I end up attracting until it’s finished. Wrigglies one is also really easy and the watch the birdie one.

Jules and Truly ❤️ Loved 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Thank you everyone. I agree with unlocking plates at a time . 4 yrs on I think .... Hey ho.

Deb and Willow - FFU, ALFF, NDMP1 month, 3 weeks ago

I'm just plodding along finishing quests as I go, trying to do them alongside other things. It's definitely much easier now that we can pause quests, so I can find a critter and then do all the quests that it is part of and then move on to another critter. It was much harder to finish quests before. And I definitely repeat the easier quests over and over.
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