Helen and Umbellina And Leif Gnigglesdottír With Ariel 7 months, 2 weeks ago
1. Do you have a topiary seed? No? Find one. Yes? Go to 2
2. Buy red topiary dish, plant topiary seed.
3. Wait /dust bush til Fully grown.
4. When fully grown right click on bush, a message will appear, and tell you which animal it needs you to attract. (Red bush is skunk or grey squirrel).
5. Plant and dust to fully grown, Rosa amora for skunk, or bellis for g.s. (dust bellis to the right colour), or a bonsai. Put out their correct food.
6. Attract one skunk/g.s. ... This is called the TRIM, as the bush takes the shape of skunk/g.s.
7. Pull the attracting flower, as you now need all your wildlife to be Topiary skunk/g.s.
8. Click on the topiary bush, you will get a message that shows you how many top skunk/g.s. you need to attract, and how many you need to find in other gardens. This is called the TRAIL. Red Trail for the red dish, in three sections, one for each wildlife. Red Trail gets three trims, skunk/g.s., g.s./skunk, and finally, unicorn
9. As soon as you have completed the skunk/g.s. section, the BUSH will REPLANT.
10. IMPORTANT: you now get 5 days while it grows, or you can dust it. Later trails include Ready for Harvest plants, and you can plan ahead for those. I recommend doing Red Trail a few times, so you get the hang of it, and in any case, you have to repeat Red Trail 7 times.
11. When the bush is fully grown again, click on the bush, read the message, it will tell you to attract one g.s./skunk, plant accordingly, attract and hunt the right number of topiary wildlife.
12. THE UNICORN fully dusted will be ready for harvest in 5 days, the same time it takes your bush to become fully grown.
13. IMPORTANT: you can plan ahead for your unicorn, or, you might have the magic unicorn pot, reward for doing Ponds Unicorns.
14. Same routine for the unicorn trail.
15. If your bush turns ready for harvest BEFORE you have completed each section of the Red Trail, you have to replant and start again.
16. When you've done one red trail, you will be able to buy an orange topiary dish, and when you do, you'll start to see how the trail accumulates. Orange trail is for six wildlife, including the three you've already done. They appear in random order, all except the new unicorn, which is always last in trail. When you complete Orange, you will find you can't do Yellow until you've completed two Red Trails... and so on, all the way up to Violet.
17. See the Topiary Trail thread in Forums for the complicated link to how to find out which order your trail animals will be in, it's different for each dish in each garden. That's not important for Red Trail, as both wildlife are attracted by fully grown plants.
18. Once you've got past Red Trail, you will accumulate plenty of Topiary Seeds as you go along.
I'm sure others will add more info to this!! Off to find the link