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The Candy Box...a revolutionary idea for candy critters
Board:Feedback / Suggestions Box
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Mary and *Zed* With Newt 3 months, 2 weeks ago

This is not my original idea. Angela and Happy Chappy came up with this delicious idea on a previous thread and I just had to share it with you. Thank you Angela for giving me permission to launch this idea.
The candy challenge is an expensive venture and without a reward for those who have completed all the various candy critters. Maybe it is time to think of one...just as special as the candies themselves.

THE CANDY BOX would be the ideal gift. Imagine being able to place three or four(or yet to be determined number) of candies in a box to keep safe from hungry fairies ready to devour and harvest. You could put your favourites in this box to use at a later help others complete their challenge or meet pottery lottery requirements at the extreme level. This would not diminish the extreme factor for candies. I imagine this box could work similar to the current greenhouse.

What do you think?

Angela and Happy Chappy 3 months, 2 weeks ago

Of course I love this idea and thank you Mary for putting it down as a thread starter.
I’ve given this a lot of thought since doing candies - I was a late starter and only completed them a few months ago. Initially I loved the idea of dusting the colours up or down and think if there ever was a candy box to store candy, if you’ve dusted them then they cannot ever be stored and if you have stored them they can’t be dusted. This won’t impact the extreme quest in my opinion as you still have to hunt all the missing candies for your combo.
You can tell by the random assortment I have going at the moment that  I loved the candy challenge even though I complained a lot! It is a diamond guzzler so any reward or slight relief will be most welcome. I’d also like other fairies to add to this suggestion and see what’s possible?

Mary and *Zed* With Newt 3 months, 2 weeks ago

I applaud you for all the thought that has gone into this...including the dusting up or down of the various candies much like with the bellis and its colour change possibilities.

Angela and Happy Chappy 3 months, 2 weeks ago

The dusting up and down has been suggested before, so not my idea… I lay awake dreaming of candies at night. 🤣🤣🤣 and wonder if bouquets can be stored, then why not a few candies?

Marie and The Fairie’dales3 months, 2 weeks ago

Kudos Mary and Angela for the Candy Box idea! I love the idea. I have run across several fairies that have worked on the Candy quest, but not finished because they have changed over to other quests. They are hanging onto certain Candy plants that they need to finish up their next round. It would be wonderful if they had a place to store those plants so they could free up their greenhouse.

Anastasia and Trinility Fairy/ Mr Sprout3 months, 2 weeks ago

Love, love  love these ideas - I almost cry everytime I have Candies for my Extreme Challenge and see all my Diamonds disappear before my eyes :)

Mary and *Zed* With Newt 3 months, 2 weeks ago

Yes...a special spot just for the candies. Makes sense doesn't it? Now I got to thinking a bit more...a dangerous thing to do. But...maybe, the rainbow candies cannot go in the box...just the plain ones. That would mean that people would still have to attract the violets to drop the seed for the rainbow.
Do you think that candies should be allowed in the greenhouse after completing them? Or can only be sent to the candy box?

By the way...the Candy Box is Angela's idea...or maybe her Happy Chappy. I just liked what she said and wanted to make sure that it was seen and not buried on the thread where Angela first posted it.

Wendy and Woo 3 months, 2 weeks ago

I love this idea 😍 👏👏

Janet and Stella Blue3 months, 1 week ago

I'm not sure what it means to keep candies safe from fairies devouring and harvesting them?  I'm'm not weighing in on the suggestion, I just don't understand that part.

Goody and Twinkly Toes, Elgiva Shimmerpop And Seldduc Gnome 3 months, 1 week ago

I love this idea too and totally agree that a special place to store candies would be awesome. I've been working on the candy part of the extreme quest for most of this month and it's the most frustrating challenge that has ever been devised for Fairyland. 
Janet, I think what Mary means with that comment is that we have to discard and harvest so many "wrong" shapes and colours of candies to achieve the violet and rainbow combinations required to complete the candy challenge for each of the candy wildlife. I have lost count of the amount I've had to discard in my pursuit of just one particular shape and colour.
It's disheartening to say the least and a candy box would certainly help if some of those candies had been for a different candy wildlife that I would need in future or to help others achieve their goals.
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