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what to do with 142 Forest Sapphire seeds?
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Lise and Clarissa ~ Proud ALFF member11 months ago

Do you also have an abundance of some seeds, that you cannot find any way to use? For example: what to do with 142 Forest Sapphire seeds? or 194 Chocolate Candyflower seeds?

Genny and Ramona Ellafair And Gnolan11 months ago

I have 185. I happen to be growing some for gold while I take a break, but I usually don't give them a thought. They aren't real.

Tracey and Cobweb11 months ago

I just ignore them until I want to use them.  They aren't going to expire or go off if you don't use them up.

Mary and *Zed* With Newt 11 months ago

Sapphire seeds come in handy when pottery lottery quests/regular quests require rainforest or endangered critters. I also plant them for gold harvesting.

Gillian and Minnie Moo The Cat Angel 11 months ago

I have 358 and so wish I could buy shrooms with them!

Sharon and Orlando Hissy Fit 11 months ago

I think about the time I devote to earning these seeds and, in my case, real money, (which, by the way, I don't mind spending). Then, I (too) wonder if the seeds could be more useful than they are at the present time. Perhaps if the time until the seeds come ready for harvest were reduced, people would more readily consider growing them for "make believe" gold. Just saying.

Myriam and Le Chat Noir11 months ago

I have only 26 gems right now and I sure wish we could use some of them to buy diamonds or maybe Mike will put something in place so we can buy them from Fairyland...

Daniela and Víla Amálka * FFU Admin11 months ago

Exactly the same thing as I do with my 591. Ignore...

Kathy and kookla11 months ago

There are so many threads on this topic. Let's hope the moderators put them in one big thread, and then Mike might consider coming up with some other/additional uses for the abundance of these we have accumulated.
Daniela, that would be the largest amount of seeds iv heard of. 😲

Kelly and Aventurine11 months ago

They are great deterrents underwater too
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