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Garland lights (post from mike)
Board:Help With The Game
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Ange and ™♥♥Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious♥♥1 year, 4 months ago

Just to clarify, you don't need to spot 8. Everyone can begin editing the lights starting on day 2. Or if you unlock all 8 colours on day 1, you get the option slightly earlier, that's all.
  You can unlock as many or as few colours as you like each day, depending on your available time. I would imagine most players will just unlock a random bunch of colours, more some days than others. Trying to do 8 every day would be a very tough challenge I think, but I'm sure a few will try!Post by Fairyland Developer

Caroline and Thorn *G* Kiwi Queen1 year, 4 months ago

Well thank goodness for that, finding one was difficult enough 🤣

Paula and Effinwetineer☔ With Help From Gnome Ella Drama1 year, 4 months ago

I have unlocked all colours today but I can't cycle through the unlocked colours - perhaps I'm doing something wrong? - I'm not worried about it though :-)

Peter and Pelico1 year, 4 months ago

I think it will be nice that we can use the garland through out the year without it taking garden space,, Red for valentines, Green for Saint Patricks,, and so on,

Tracey and Cobweb1 year, 4 months ago

Paula - click the calendar, click the Edit Fairylight Colours link, then click the light on the garland to scroll through the colours.

Cathy and Myrtle Moonstone1 year, 4 months ago

Tracey I was looking for that info too.  Been clicking all over the place ~ will try again :)

Cathy and Myrtle Moonstone1 year, 4 months ago

HA!  That was obvious once I knew!!! Thanks Tracey

Izabella and Penny Duckfeather1 year, 4 months ago

Oh, I thought you had to spot all 8 colours everyday otherwise you won't be able to change that bulb. That's what they made it sound like in the news posting.

Paula and Effinwetineer☔ With Help From Gnome Ella Drama1 year, 4 months ago

Thank you Tracey - I have done that and it says edit lights - I pressed save and then I click on the white light - nothing happens it just stays white?

Anna and ☆Mistletoe☆1 year, 4 months ago

Sorry just to clarify… If you spot 8 on day 1 will you be able to edit each light thereafter to any colour or if we want the option of any of the colours for each light we have to spot 8 each day for the whole calendar?
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