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City, Country, River, Animal, Plant, Food, Drink, Name, Song
Board:Forum Games
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Sophie and Arwen3 years, 6 months ago

A slightly bigger challenge ...

City: Aachen
Country: Angola
River: Amazonas
Animal: Anteater
Plant: Amaryllis
Food: Apple
Drink: Arrack
Name: Angela
Song: A horse with no name

Jamie and Murtagh3 years, 6 months ago

City: Berlin
Country: Brasil
River: Brahmaputra
Animal: Bear
Plant: Birch
Food: Bread
Drink: Beer
Name: Barry
Song: Baby Come Back

Judith and Mary3 years, 6 months ago

City: Chicago
Country: Colombia
River: Chicago
Animal: Cow
Plant: Cactus
Food: Carrots
Drink: Cream soda
Name: Charley
Song: Come Together

Sophie and Arwen3 years, 6 months ago

Oh I forgot the "Famous Person" ...
and to make it easier to copy
Famous Person (FP):

Judith and Mary3 years, 6 months ago

City: Denver
Animal: Donkey
Plant: Dahlia
Drink: Daiquiri
Name: Don
Famous Person (FP):  David Letterman
Song: Diana

Sophie and Arwen3 years, 6 months ago

City: Essen
Country: Estonia
River: Elbe
Animal: Eagle
Plant: Eggplant
Food: Egg
Drink: Espresso
Name: Erin
Famous Person (FP): Einstein
Song: Eloise

Jamie and Murtagh3 years, 6 months ago

City: Frankfurt
Country: Finland
River: Fulda
Animal: Finch
Plant: Fig
Food: French Fries
Drink: Fruit Cocktail
Name: Franz
Famous Person (FP): Ford, Harrison
Song: Fade Out Lines

Judith and Mary3 years, 6 months ago

City: Gettysburg
Country: Germany
River: Ganges
Animal: Goat
Plant: Grass
Food: Gouda Cheese
Drink: Gingerale
Name: george
Famous Person: George Harrison
Song: Georgia on my Mind

Angie and Angelyn3 years, 6 months ago

City: Hamburg
Country: Hungary
River: Hudson River
Animal: Hedgehog
Plant: Hazel
Food: Hamburger
Drink: Heineken Beer
Name: Harry
Famous Person (FP): Ho Chi Minh
Song: Help!

Andrea and Betty3 years, 6 months ago

City: Istanbul
Country: India
River: Indus
Animal: Iguana
Plant: Iris
Food: Ice lolly
Drink: Iced Coffee
Name: Irene
Famous Person (FP): Imran Khan
Song: Ironic (by Alanis) Morrissette
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