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Blocking issue - request for feedback
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Mike and Bug3 years, 11 months ago

I am aware that there's an issue with inappropriate blocking in the game, so I want to address this.

To be clear, the "block" feature is only intended to be used in the rare case that you receive some kind of harassment in the game, but I know it is being mis-used by a few players as part of gameplay

Possible solutions I can think of are:

1. Allow blocking as part of gameplay

2. Allow a maximum number of blocks per player, maybe 10 or 20 (I think it's extremely unlikely that any player would ever be genuinely harassed by more than 10-20 other players.) After that, blocking can maybe cost 100 Gold, which should be effective in discouraging misuse

I want to see what everyone's thoughts are - either on these options, or maybe suggest your own

Post by Fairyland Developer

Jayne and Wesley Gadget And Camilla's Patch3 years, 11 months ago

I think B sounds better of the two .

Gina and *~Tinkerbella~*3 years, 11 months ago

I agree B sounds like a good option :)

Paula and **•♥Trixie♥•** 3 years, 11 months ago

I also think option #2 is the better option, with the following addendum:
1. Reset all blocking (as many block in the heat of the moment and don't recall why if they stumble across that person again)
2. When clicking on the garden link of someone who has blocked you (or you have blocked them), it takes you to their back wall (instead of all gardens page) to give you the opportunity to unblock them.

Rona and 'ღི♥ྀღ' Sweet Pea 'ღི♥ྀღ'3 years, 11 months ago

I like #2 and Paula's addendum best too but realize that it might not be a suitable solution for someone being genuinely harassed or bullied. I don't think it should be adopted as "gameplay" since tI feel it changes the original concept of FL and, although I realize we have many different types of game players these days, I don't think it would be a move in the right direction.

Maureen and Buffanunny's Garden Of Surprises °◡° 3 years, 11 months ago

I prefer the second option as well but it should also cost gold to unblock. I don't think resetting would be much of a deterrant to chronic blockers.

Paula and **•♥Trixie♥•** 3 years, 11 months ago

When I said to reset all blocking, I meant all blocking now before the new rule is instigated, so we begin with a clean slate.

Jayne and Wesley Gadget And Camilla's Patch3 years, 11 months ago

I don't think a player should be able to unblock you without your permission maybe a pop up x  player requested to unblock you y/n .

Maureen and Buffanunny's Garden Of Surprises °◡° 3 years, 11 months ago

Oh I see what you meant now Paula, that would be good...a clean slate for all. I was blocked by someone last year and didn't understand why I was getting the all gardens page (after 10 years of playing)...a friend told me what it

Sarah and *MoonGlimmer*3 years, 11 months ago

I like option 2 Mike!
I don’t agree with having a clean slate to be honest, if there are people who have blocked me because I silent watered (or other ‘non abusive’ reasons) I don’t see why they should suddenly get to access my garden again. Equally, if I have blocked someone for genuine abuse which as I can recall is only a couple of times, I wouldn’t want them to come back to me either, they may not even play anymore but I wouldn’t like to chance it.

I hate seeing players who use it as game play so they block while X gets this critter then unblocks, hopefully this would put a stop to it. If someone unblocked would that still count as one blocking? I would hope so
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