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Choosing the colour of your Birthday Balloon
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Tracey and Cobweb5 years, 3 months ago

There have been a couple of threads asking how to do this recently - there are old threads which list the pot colours but they are scattered around the forums and from a few years ago, so not always easy to find.   I thought it might be useful to have a dedicated thread for it, which hopefully can be moved to the Most Useful Topics section so that it can always be found fairly quickly!


There are ten different colours of balloon and the colour you get depends on the last digit of the ID number of the pot which you plant it in. 

Pot ID number ends in 0 = green balloon
Pot ID number ends in 1 = pink balloon
Pot ID number ends in 2 = yellow balloon
Pot ID number ends in 3 = blue balloon
Pot ID number ends in 4 = red balloon
Pot ID number ends in 5 = white balloon
Pot ID number ends in 6 = silver balloon
Pot ID number ends in 7 = gold balloon
Pot ID number ends in 8 = teal balloon
Pot ID number ends in 9 = orange balloon


To check the ID number of the pot, hover your mouse over the pot when it's in storage, and then hover over the Use button.  This should bring up the pot ID number towards the bottom of the screen.  On an iPad or similar device, you would need to hold your finger on the Use button, without clicking.

From your own garden, on a PC or laptop, you can see the ID number of an empty pot if you hover your mouse over it and right click the Send to Storage link, then click Inspect Element.  This brings up a new box at the bottom of the page, with one line highlighted - the highlighted line contains the pot ID number.

 and Foz5 years, 3 months ago

After 10 years I finally know this! I’ve always had a white balloon and just assumed that was my randomly chosen color. Next year I hope I remember to change it up! Thanks!

Tehmineh and Shehrzade5 years, 3 months ago

Thank you Tracey finally figured it out on my tablet. Hopefully next month I get to choose:)

Birte and Polyhymnia { DK }5 years, 3 months ago

Thank you, Tracey :)

Sandra and Shiraz ALFF 5 years, 3 months ago

Thank you also been playing for years and thought you only got a White Bslloon x

Gitte and .✿♥Yoga Cat♥✿.5 years, 3 months ago

Thank you Tracey ❤️

Wendy and Snowdrop5 years, 3 months ago

Hi can anyone tell me how long it takes for my flower to change into a balloon?..also do we get gold from it when we harvest it,  I cant remember from last year lol. Thank you

I cannot find out any pot ids  as I use a tablet or mobile  phone to play and have no mouse to 'click'   or can anyone tell me how else to find out on these devicex. Thank yoi x

Tracey and Cobweb5 years, 3 months ago

As long as you don't let it wilt, or freeze your garden, it will be ready at midnight GMT on the morning of the birthday.

As in the first post, if you're in your storage area you should be able to hold your finger on the Use button without clicking.

Tracey and Cobweb5 years, 3 months ago

(if you have frozen your garden whilst the flower was growing, it will be delayed by however long you were frozen for or until it is showing as being 7 days old, whichever is the sooner).

Wendy and Snowdrop5 years, 3 months ago

Ah  ok thank you Tracey  I have frozen my garden a couple of nights so thats why I have no balloon yet lol..also I tried again in storage and do get a panel up asking to save the link etc  and have now noticed a  8 or 9 digit number! Im guessing that is my pot I was just expecting a 1 , or 2, or 3  etc! Silly me  thank you for your help  once again Tracey  ☺
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