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Bottom Dwellers "posting here in hope it helps some lil Fairies"
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Julie and Sprinkles..Gold Coast Queensland..10 years, 7 months ago

Attract the myth every
10th Watery Sea Dragon
10th Rainbow Sea Dragon
10th Golden Sea Dragon
6th Griffish
6th Phoenish
4th Sea Pegasus
3rd Sea Unicorn

Guppy Deterrents:
Red - Ruby or Amber
Orange - Amber
Yellow - Sunlight and Ruby
Green - Emerald and Amber
Blue - Sapphire, Sunlight and Ruby
Indigo - Moonlight, Emerald and Amber
Violet - Amethyst, Sapphire, Sunlight and Ruby

Lobster ~ Red

Octopus ~ Orange

Catfish ~ Yellow (Orange to deter Lobster)

Stingray ~ Green (Orange to deter Lobster & Yellow to deter Octopus)

Spider Crab ~ Blue (Orange to deter Lobster, Yellow to deter Octopus & Green to deter Catfish)

Shrimp ~ Indigo (Orange to deter Lobster, Yellow to deter Octopus, Green to deter Catfish & Blue to deter Stingray)

Starfish ~ Violet  (Orange to deter Lobster, Yellow to deter Octopus, Green to deter Catfish, Blue to deter Stingray & Indigo to Deter Spider Crab)

Plant the coral in used rocks
Attract the guppy to change the colour of the coral
Get the frogspawn with an adult frog every 5th drops frogspawn
Attract Bottom Dwellers

Repeat for the other colours

You plant coral in the grey rock, and when a red guppy is spotted (it's attracted by the flowering red pondweed) it changes the coral to red, which will in turn attract lobsters to frogspawn on a low platter.

Maryjane and Gris-Gris10 years, 7 months ago

Nice post. :)

Eve and HEAVENS RAINBOW FAIRIES10 years, 7 months ago

wow, dont think i'll be doing them any time soon! made my poor old brain hurt just reading it all, lol...good post tho.

Mary and Felicia Faery10 years, 7 months ago

And thrown out lots of grey rocks recently :(

Albina and Lisa10 years, 7 months ago

Nice post, thank you Julie!

Can you please add the requirements how to attract the adult frogs into your own garden please?

Julie and Sprinkles..Gold Coast Queensland..10 years, 7 months ago

Adult Frog "albina and Lisa"

Put out one empty low plate for spawn and one HIGH plate with berries for Adult frogs (the type of Spawn  (regular, organic,super) will be the same as the plate you put out..

Albina and Lisa10 years, 7 months ago

Julie - I am still confused as to the number of every other critters needed for 1 adult frog in your pond. And also - is the number of sets valid for land and pond adult frogs respectively or combines - so does 1 set of critters found in other ppl gardens give you 1 adult land frog AND 1 adult pond frog - or is it 1 adult land frog OR 1 adult pond frog.

I only just managed trough the lobsters - will fairies' tipping me what to do. Normally I study the things, but at this particular moment I have no time to do that.

Dmarie and Moonbeam10 years, 7 months ago

Yes, some of the guppy deterrents are wrong. They are the same as for the Rainbow of Fish in the wildlife guide so you can go there to find the correct ones.

Birte and Polyhymnia FFU10 years, 7 months ago

I agree ! It's a guideline. It's nice to have a little left to figure out ourselves. This is indeed very helpful, we don't need a step-to-step guide.

Sheila and Iggy10 years, 7 months ago

I haven't been able to find out if we need to spot five of every single critter in other's gardens (5 crabs, 5 shrimp, etc) to go to the next level in ours.  Does anyone know, thank you.
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