Deborah and Enchantra (Newcastle ON Can) 9 seconds ago
I often have talked about Ryle "sniffing" on my lap. It truly is a "whoosh" of air and just a little "snot". He sits upstairs with me in the mornings and I let him have a short Bully stick. Once he's done he always wants more so he comes and sits under my desk and looks up at me. I basically ignore him. He's had a treat and really doesn't need another so I tell him no he is done. He then "snuffs" on me and looks at me intently. I know what he wants - but I have said "no." I wait until he is quiet and not snuffing - then I take one of the treats and break it in half - I give him half - he realizes that it is half and I'm serious so he will lay down. It's a ritual with us one that I encourage when I give him the half. These are the little pleasures in our life so enjoy them. Happy Friday.