Martha's Garden in East Yorkshire 

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 The Garden Wall  

Mara Lea and Autumn Abundance13 minutes, 8 seconds ago

          🌈 •*´💫
💚   🍻   🎩   🌟   🍀   🥬
Happy St. Patrick's Day sprinkles.  We stopped by to  bring you tons of gratitude for your loving visit and wrapping you in warmth and love our sweet fairy friend 🌈💚🌈💚

Loni and Serenity43 minutes, 37 seconds ago

Hi Jules. love and hugs, let me know if you want my help

Karen and Sapphira2 hours, 17 minutes ago

Good night x

Jules and Martha 2 hours, 20 minutes ago

Got to freeze. I can't find anywhere to hunt and I only have this SS

Siobhan and Seabean2 hours, 35 minutes ago

Topiary Ostrich ty

Beverly and Hims Elf 4 hours, 12 minutes ago

Thanks for spotting our Okapi and
thanks for the surprise WRC xxx

Sal and Sal And Scooby Xxxxx4 hours, 24 minutes ago


Brandi and Jinx & Bo The Fabulous Fur Fairy Huntresses4 hours, 37 minutes ago

Wrc ty!

Geraldine and Lila Rose4 hours, 44 minutes ago

WRC peeking x

Evelyn and Elfrodo5 hours, 52 minutes ago

⋱ ⋮ ⋰ ‧
⋯ ◯ ⋯ ‧⁀˅⁀
from our garden to yours...

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Welcome to Fairyland!

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Garden Owners
Jules and Martha
Martha has opened back up, but is feeling very close to giving up on topiary.
About This Garden
Martha's Garden in East Yorkshire

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level I (92 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Martha froze the Garden
(2 hours, 21 minutes ago)
Martha watered the Luna Serena
(2 hours, 23 minutes ago)
Martha watered the Luna Serena
(2 hours, 26 minutes ago)
Seabean watered the Supershroom
(2 hours, 35 minutes ago)
Seabean spotted a Topiary Ostrich here, earning 3 Diamonds!
(2 hours, 36 minutes ago)
Seabean watered the Supershroom
(2 hours, 36 minutes ago)

Garden Age
13 years, 2 months

Report This Garden
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...

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