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 The Garden Wall  

Elizabeth and Bramble3 minutes, 11 seconds ago

Good morning

Sue and Petal`s Garden ..NDMP ADMIN6 minutes, 22 seconds ago



Margaret and ❤️.•* ­⭐️ARIA( Margaret)⭐️*•.?10 minutes, 25 seconds ago

⭐️ *¨❤️                                           
   (¸.❄️´  ¸.•*´¸.•*¨❤   
              (¸.❤️´  ¸.•*´¸.•*¨❤️     
¸☆´What is a grandchild?" Well may you ask!
It's a song in the heart, It's a Halloween mask,
It's an ache in the back and swings in the park -
It's crumbs on the floor and a cry in the dark.
It's kittens and tadpoles, It's Lego and snap,
It's scissors and paste, A squirming in your lap,
It's a quivering lip and a hot clutching hand -
It's a stake in the future, the hope of our land

Great Grandchildren are an added bonus


Please excuse me if I just visit and not sprinkle every time.  Feel Free to do the same


Catherine and ᑕᗩIᗩ ღ23 minutes, 17 seconds ago

ՏρՐiՌƙʅȝՏ 💧Spotted a Roadrunner!
ԵɧԹՌƙ ՎԾՄ Gloria x

Vickie H and Phoebe12 hours, 4 minutes ago

Jackdaw ty

Edel and Harmony12 hours, 45 minutes ago

rmony watered the Organ Pipe Cactus, and spotted a Raccoon feeding on the Veggies!

You have now spotted the Raccoon 523 times in other Gardens!
2 Diamonds earned, plus a bonus Pink Diamond for spotting it in less than 5 minutes!


Gail and Snow*Shoe12 hours, 50 minutes ago

* hoppin' over to sprink your Garden *
* thank you for your help *
* hope you enjoy a wonderful week *

Fiona and Annabelles Garden 12 hours, 54 minutes ago

Woodpecker chick thanks

Mandy and Patchouli Rain13 hours ago


Fiona and Annabelles Garden 13 hours, 6 minutes ago

Raccoon thanks

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Garden Owners
Gloria and Gℓσ Gιggℓєѕρяιηкℓє
Gℓσ Gιggℓєѕρяιηкℓє has SUPERWATER in her Bird Bath attracting FAIRYLAND'S BIRDS / CHICKS to visit her garden...also, attempting to attract a GOLDEN DRAGON, a HARE and a HEDGEHOG for our Pottery quest!
About This Garden
There is a saying that goes, "March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers.”

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Levels Completed! (656192 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Bramble watered the Thornbloom Herb
(3 minutes, 20 seconds ago)
Petal`s Garden ..NDMP ADMIN watered the Shamrock
(6 minutes, 24 seconds ago)
Gℓσ Gιggℓєѕρяιηкℓє sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Thornbloom Herb, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(8 minutes, 22 seconds ago)
Gℓσ Gιggℓєѕρяιηкℓє sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Thornbloom Herb, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(8 minutes, 28 seconds ago)
Gℓσ Gιggℓєѕρяιηкℓє sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Thornbloom Herb, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(8 minutes, 34 seconds ago)
Gℓσ Gιggℓєѕρяιηкℓє sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Thornbloom Herb, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(8 minutes, 40 seconds ago)

Garden Age
14 years, 8 months

Report This Garden
  Thornbloom Herb  
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
  Thornbloom Herb  
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  Veggies (Superfood)  
Status:13 feeds remaining
Left Out:8 hours, 12 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Rainbow Dragon
Arrived 53 minutes, 28 seconds ago
Spotted by ☕️Amethyst☕️ after 3 minutes, 35 seconds
Reward: 2   1
Albino Hedgehog
Arrived 1 hour, 51 minutes ago
Spotted by TwinkleFire And GardenHopper Gnome after 9 minutes, 25 seconds
Reward: 10
Rainbow Dragon
Arrived 3 hours, 31 minutes ago
Spotted by ᑕᗩIᗩ ღ after 4 minutes, 39 seconds
Reward: 2   1
Arrived 4 hours, 40 minutes ago
Spotted by JRT Tristan after 16 minutes, 51 seconds
Reward: 2
Arrived 5 hours, 44 minutes ago
Spotted by Buttons after 7 seconds
Reward: 2   1
Brown Bunny
Arrived 6 hours, 41 minutes ago
Spotted by Gℓσ Gιggℓєѕρяιηкℓє after 8 minutes, 15 seconds
Reward: 2
White Mouse
Arrived 8 hours, 6 minutes ago
Spotted by Willow Wish after 8 minutes, 27 seconds
Reward: 1
  Gathering Pixies Mushrooms  
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  Veggies (Superfood)  
Status:19 feeds remaining
Left Out:1 hour, 12 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Field Mouse
Arrived 1 hour, 1 minute ago
Spotted by Ellie after 2 minutes, 26 seconds
Reward: 1   1
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  Water (SuperWater!)  
Status:15 feeds remaining
Left Out:5 hours, 44 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Arrived 23 minutes, 58 seconds ago
Spotted by ᑕᗩIᗩ ღ after 15 seconds
Reward: 4   1
Arrived 2 hours, 14 minutes ago
Spotted by Sarah &*✿*Tixibell * after 4 minutes, 29 seconds
Reward: 2   1
Singing Bush Lark
Arrived 3 hours, 24 minutes ago
Spotted by Seawater Splashes after 36 seconds
Reward: 2   1
Arrived 4 hours, 32 minutes ago
Spotted by `☂´Rain Drop´☂`ه after 8 minutes, 51 seconds
Reward: 2
Arrived 5 hours, 7 minutes ago
Spotted by Glinda after 3 minutes, 43 seconds
Reward: 3   1
  Bellis Lycaena  
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