slushy's grow operation 

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Garden Owners
Wilbs and Slushy
Slushy .⋆
About This Garden
slushy's grow operation
representin for all the gardeners all across the world (pls sample the green:)

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level III (1110 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Slushy removed a Spring Crown Herb
(5 minutes, 13 seconds ago)
Slushy successfully harvested a Wishing Star, protecting an extra 2 sq ft of rainforest!
(7 minutes, 24 seconds ago)
Thor's Garden watered the Enchanted Rainbow Mushroom
(30 minutes, 51 seconds ago)
Thor's Garden spotted a Fish here, earning 2 Diamonds!
(30 minutes, 57 seconds ago)
Thor's Garden watered the Pisces Astroflorus
(30 minutes, 57 seconds ago)
Frankie watered the Enchanted Rainbow Mushroom
(3 hours, 49 minutes ago)

Garden Age
14 years, 10 months

Report This Garden
  Spring Crown Herb  
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  Bird Mix (Double Regular)  
Status:4 feeds remaining
Left Out:20 hours, 18 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Arrived 38 minutes, 33 seconds ago
Spotted by Thor's Garden after 7 minutes, 36 seconds
Reward: 2
Arrived 4 hours, 17 minutes ago
Spotted by Frankie after 27 minutes, 32 seconds
Reward: 2
Arrived 7 hours, 19 minutes ago
Spotted by Tilly after 56 seconds
Reward: 2   1
Arrived 11 hours, 2 minutes ago
Stayed 56 minutes, 45 seconds but wasn't spotted
Arrived 14 hours, 44 minutes ago
Stayed 55 minutes, 9 seconds but wasn't spotted
Arrived 17 hours, 52 minutes ago
Spotted by Abbie after 42 minutes, 17 seconds
Reward: 2
  Enchanted Rainbow Mushroom  
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  Bird Mix (Double Regular)  
Status:10 feeds remaining
Left Out:9 minutes, 52 seconds ago
Wildlife Attracted
(Nothing, yet!)
  Pisces Astroflorus  
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