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Patricia and Tommy And Chloe10 minutes, 25 seconds ago


Mary and Callamityann15 hours, 44 minutes ago

Happy Sunday! Woke up to a surprise- 2 or 3 inches of heavy snow out there! Somehow I didn't hear we were going to get that! Not that it will be around long. Just bummin around the house today, watching the race now. Not looking forward to tomorrow when I start my prep for Tuesday. To make it even worse  my family is having tacos for my brothers birthday and I can't go! Booo!!!!  Well not his fault my prep is on is birthday...  Anyway just going to work on some diamond art and watch the race. Have a great day!   

Yeah it all was kinda confusing, but I think since Mary used the shot in the dark she was just safe period and it was like she didnt count at all for anything? I don[t know why he kept Sai and was the other guy even allowed to tell anyone he lost his vote? I wasn't paying close enough attention.

       🕯️   🕯️   🕯️   🕯️   🕯️   🕯️   🕯️                 
   Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light” – Albus Dumbledore
         ✨   ✨   ✨   ✨   ✨   ✨   ✨

Shirley and Gif...AKA PippyLongStockings And Geremiah Gemstone15 hours, 56 minutes ago


May-Britt and Luna♥️Aurora16 hours, 5 minutes ago

Thanks for the green dude  :)))

May-Britt and Luna♥️Aurora16 hours, 6 minutes ago

✫*´¨`Ƭнαηx for the visit
Hi Pat, 
Good the storm is over. Not nice with thunder and lightening even its pretty to see.  Hope your day is gong well and you got your grocery shopping done.
Enjoy a relaxed time when home again  :)

Juanita and Maeve MyrtleLillie16 hours, 32 minutes ago

Scattering sprinkles from my sprinkling wand as needed.  Fairy blessings for your garden  always!

Korbyn and porkchop16 hours, 38 minutes ago


Jacqui and Dolly Daydream16 hours, 56 minutes ago

sprinkle ~

Susan and )0( ɃƦƐƐZƐ )0(17 hours, 1 minute ago


Tracy and Alf17 hours, 33 minutes ago

Spotted a leprechaun. Also got a pink diamond, thanks!

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Garden Owners
Patricia and Tommy And Chloe
Tommy And Chloe Are asking what is the secret to getting unicorns not just dragons
About This Garden
Way down South in the land of Cotton~Look away~DIXIELAND!!!

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Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
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Quest Levels Completed! (450000 Scrolls)
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Garden Level 42

Garden News
Tommy And Chloe successfully harvested a SuperShroom, protecting an extra 5 sq ft of rainforest!
(10 minutes, 34 seconds ago)
Maeri Faeri And Her Wonderdog Arrowulf, GG66 watered the Shamrock
(10 hours, 15 minutes ago)
Peanut (QLD, AUSTRALIA) spotted a Leprechaun here, earning 3 Diamonds!
(12 hours, 3 minutes ago)
Peanut (QLD, AUSTRALIA) watered the Carmena Uniflora
(12 hours, 3 minutes ago)
Nadya watered the Supershroom
(13 hours, 13 minutes ago)
Bella (UK) spotted a Field Mouse here, earning 1 Diamond!
(15 hours, 1 minute ago)

Garden Age
14 years, 12 months

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  Veggies (Organic)  
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Left Out:10 minutes, 43 seconds ago
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  Veggies (Organic)  
Status:5 feeds remaining
Left Out:10 minutes, 38 seconds ago
Wildlife Attracted
(Nothing, yet!)
  Carmena Uniflora  
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  Ornate Mushroom Pot  
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