Pawprints on our Hearts Kat Rescue Memorial Garden 

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Anita and Anita And Catherine26 minutes, 42 seconds ago


Ric and ='•'=The Kitty Kat Rockers='•'=33 minutes, 49 seconds ago

🧿𝓢𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓼🧿 TY

Anita and Anita And Catherine36 minutes, 17 seconds ago


Shelagh and Chester41 minutes, 29 seconds ago


Susan and Charm 45 minutes, 41 seconds ago


Luke and Lugia47 minutes, 35 seconds ago

; . . `; -._ , `)_
( o_ )` __,) `-._) Luke and Lugia are here to
                              sniff out your critters!

Margaret and ❤️.•* ­⭐️ARIA( Margaret)⭐️*•.?54 minutes, 29 seconds ago

⭐️ *¨❤️                                           
   (¸.❄️´  ¸.•*´¸.•*¨❤   
              (¸.❤️´  ¸.•*´¸.•*¨❤️     
¸☆´What is a grandchild?" Well may you ask!
It's a song in the heart, It's a Halloween mask,
It's an ache in the back and swings in the park -
It's crumbs on the floor and a cry in the dark.
It's kittens and tadpoles, It's Lego and snap,
It's scissors and paste, A squirming in your lap,
It's a quivering lip and a hot clutching hand -
It's a stake in the future, the hope of our land

Great Grandchildren are an added bonus


Please excuse me if I just visit and not sprinkle every time.  Feel Free to do the same

Thanks for finding my Porcupine

Vicky and Eurydice The Dreaming Neraida1 hour, 8 minutes ago


Pam and Bridget's Magical Garden 1 hour, 11 minutes ago

TY 4 spotting Thomas!xx

Pauline and Lottie1 hour, 13 minutes ago


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Garden Owners
Thomas and PooH's Kat Rescue And Memori
PooH's Kat Rescue And Memori is in memory of Midnight, Pepe, Popeye, Jeannie, Ling-Ling, Buttons, Eggie, Spikey, Shadow, Snowey and Shy Boy who crossed the Rainbow Bridge! I am lost without them!
About This Garden
Pawprints on our Hearts Kat Rescue Memorial Garden
We love you all for your love, support & continued prayers! I'm not on that much because real life is kicking my ass! The fur children are very needy lately. The yard needs raking finished, the overgrown trees need trimming. The days are shorter!

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level I (20 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Charm watered the Supershroom
(15 minutes, 55 seconds ago)
Maya watered the Topiary Bush
(18 minutes, 27 seconds ago)
Ev watered the Birthday Plant
(20 minutes, 46 seconds ago)
Anita And Catherine watered the Birthday Plant
(26 minutes, 45 seconds ago)
Anita And Catherine watered the Topiary Bush
(26 minutes, 50 seconds ago)
='•'=The Kitty Kat Rockers='•'= watered the Supershroom
(29 minutes, 39 seconds ago)

Garden Age
15 years

Report This Garden
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  Veggies (Organic)  
Status:4 feeds remaining
Left Out:2 hours, 6 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Topiary White Unicorn
Arrived 35 minutes, 11 seconds ago
Spotted by ='•'=The Kitty Kat Rockers='•'= after 1 minute, 16 seconds
Reward: 16   1
  Veggies (Organic)  
Status:4 feeds remaining
Left Out:2 hours, 5 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Topiary White Unicorn
Arrived 26 minutes, 27 seconds ago
Stayed 4 minutes, 36 seconds but wasn't spotted
  Veggies (Organic)  
Status:4 feeds remaining
Left Out:1 hour, 48 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Topiary White Unicorn
Arrived 15 minutes, 35 seconds ago
Stayed 4 minutes, 21 seconds but wasn't spotted
  Topiary White Unicorn  
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  Birthday Plant  
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