Leah and Seanachai23 minutes, 19 seconds ago
The Seanachai loves the springtime
When the gardens spring to life
Ostara hosts the Blossom Ball
Announced with drum and fife
The icicles on the cottage drip
The river begins to flow
The creatures wake from winter sleeps
And the grass begins to grow
Neighbours wave in passing
And some stop in for tea
The sun is bright and shining
Oh happy happy me!
♥ (¯`♥´¯)♥*Love and springtime
*`.¸(¯`♥´¯)from Leah and Seanachai
** ♥ `.¸ .´ ♥The Storyteller **
When the gardens spring to life
Ostara hosts the Blossom Ball
Announced with drum and fife
The icicles on the cottage drip
The river begins to flow
The creatures wake from winter sleeps
And the grass begins to grow
Neighbours wave in passing
And some stop in for tea
The sun is bright and shining
Oh happy happy me!
♥ (¯`♥´¯)♥*Love and springtime
*`.¸(¯`♥´¯)from Leah and Seanachai
** ♥ `.¸ .´ ♥The Storyteller **