🌈🌈 Rainbow Valley 🌈🌈 

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Garden Owners
About This Garden
🌈🌈 Rainbow Valley 🌈🌈
SOMEWHERE IN DEEPEST SHROPSHIRE, UK.......;) Airee can't spend much time in Fairyland at the moment so can't return all sprinkles, but she hopes you find something in her garden! Thanks for watering:)

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Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level I (104 Scrolls)
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Garden Level 42

Garden News
FIONA watered the Luna Serena
(11 minutes, 24 seconds ago)
Lacy Bumblewings watered the Pink Cap Mushroom
(5 hours, 58 minutes ago)
Lacy Bumblewings watered the Taiyo Bonsai
(6 hours, 16 minutes ago)
Airee successfully harvested a Spooky Halloween Ghost, protecting an extra 1 sq ft of rainforest!
(10 hours, 18 minutes ago)
Airee successfully harvested a Halloween Trick - Spooky Eyes!, protecting an extra 3 sq ft of rainforest!
(10 hours, 18 minutes ago)
Airee successfully harvested a Spooky Halloween Ghost, protecting an extra 1 sq ft of rainforest!
(10 hours, 18 minutes ago)

Garden Age
15 years, 1 month

Report This Garden
  Taiyo Bonsai  
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  Fox Bouquet  
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  Bird Mix (Triple Regular)  
Status:12 feeds remaining
Left Out:10 hours, 17 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Barn Owl
Arrived 1 hour, 24 minutes ago
Stayed 27 minutes, 9 seconds but wasn't spotted
Red Squirrel
Arrived 4 hours, 19 minutes ago
Stayed 15 minutes, 24 seconds but wasn't spotted
Arrived 7 hours, 5 minutes ago
Stayed 22 minutes, 14 seconds but wasn't spotted
  Pink Cap Mushroom  
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  Bird Mix (Triple Regular)  
Status:12 feeds remaining
Left Out:10 hours, 17 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Field Mouse
Arrived 2 hours, 45 minutes ago
Stayed 59 minutes, 41 seconds but wasn't spotted
Arrived 5 hours, 41 minutes ago
Stayed 56 minutes, 29 seconds but wasn't spotted
Field Mouse
Arrived 8 hours, 21 minutes ago
Stayed 55 minutes, 2 seconds but wasn't spotted
  Luna Serena  
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