abbotsbury blooms 

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Susan and Gwindor1 hour, 8 minutes ago

Come visit the Dew Drop Inn ...I return all visits but don't always sprinkle....feel free to do the same in our garden. Save your gold if nothing is due or you are needing a critter that's due. Dew drop inn. Happy Gardening!

Erwinia and Ipink Iping (Erwinia)1 hour, 10 minutes ago


Gail and Kiki Poo(toronto Ont.1 hour, 48 minutes ago


Lynn and Edna May2 hours, 5 minutes ago

Good morning 馃尰

Jennie and Twinkle 2 hours, 36 minutes ago

Hi Jenny good afternoon sprinkle x

Teri and Sheila2 hours, 39 minutes ago

Sprinkles and spotted a tree frog tyvm

Deborah and Enchantra (Newcastle ON Can) 2 hours, 54 minutes ago

I often have talked about Ryle "sniffing" on my lap. It truly is a "whoosh" of air and just a little "snot". He sits upstairs with me in the mornings and I let him have a short Bully stick. Once he's done he always wants more so he comes and sits under my desk and looks up at me. I basically ignore him. He's had a treat and really doesn't need another so I tell him no he is done. He then "snuffs" on me and looks at me intently. I know what he wants - but I have said "no."聽 I wait until he is quiet and not snuffing - then I take one of the treats and break it in half - I give him half - he realizes that it is half and I'm serious so he will lay down. It's a ritual with us one that I encourage when I give him the half. These are the little pleasures in our life so enjoy them. Happy Friday.

Ninotchka and Elvira3 hours, 22 minutes ago

馃悵 路.赂赂.路麓炉`路.赂赂馃悵
聽聽 聽 聽 馃悵聽 馃悵 路.赂赂.路麓炉`路.赂赂馃悵 馃悵
聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽聽 聽 聽聽 聽 聽馃悵聽 聽Hi

Sushma and tinkerbell3 hours, 32 minutes ago


Liz and Daizy May 4 hours, 10 minutes ago

thanks for the sloth xx

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Garden Owners
Jenny and And Rachaels Garden
And Rachaels Garden is welcoming friends old and new
About This Garden
abbotsbury blooms
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Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
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Quest Level I (8 Scrolls)
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Garden Level 42

Garden News
And Rachaels Garden sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Valentine Rose, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(11 seconds ago)
And Rachaels Garden sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Valentine Rose, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(14 seconds ago)
And Rachaels Garden watered the Forest Emerald
(2 minutes, 43 seconds ago)
And Rachaels Garden watered the Valentine Rose
(2 minutes, 51 seconds ago)
And Rachaels Garden successfully harvested a Valentine ♥, protecting an extra 2 sq ft of rainforest!
(2 minutes, 56 seconds ago)
And Rachaels Garden successfully harvested a Gold, protecting an extra 5 sq ft of rainforest!
(3 minutes ago)

Garden Age
15 years, 7 months

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  Forest Sunlight  
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  Forest Sapphire  
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  Tropical Fruits (Triple Organic)  
Status:15 feeds remaining
Left Out:22 seconds ago
Wildlife Attracted
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  Valentine Rose  
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  Forest Ruby  
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  Valentine Rose  
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  Tropical Fruits (Triple Organic)  
Status:15 feeds remaining
Left Out:17 seconds ago
Wildlife Attracted
(Nothing, yet!)
  Forest Emerald  
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  Forest Amber  
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