Dianne and Golden Haired Dancer Rye Victoria, Australia6 minutes, 5 seconds ago
Hello Jennifer, TY for the Golden Dragon. Like you I used to plan the week's menu. Not much point now as I am only cooking for myself. When the family are here they take over the kitchen. I went to the hairdresser this morning. I love the head, neck and shoulder massage that they give to clients before the treatment. And I love having my hair washed. Happy with the slightly different restyling. Back home and doing more mundane tasks. One that I am pleased with is that I managed to clear a blocked drain in my bathroom sink. I purchased a product at the supermarket for $9. It came with all sorts of warnings however I used it taking all precautions and it worked. My other choice was a plumber and that would have cost a few $100. Now to concentrate on paying other bills. Enjoy your day.