A Garden for the CATS &DOGS in Cornwall. 

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 The Garden Wall  

Georgia and Bubba 23 minutes, 20 seconds ago

hi Jacqueline  Stopping by to sprinkle your garden

Penelope and Oakmoss1 hour, 8 minutes ago

robin x

Marie and The Fairie’dales1 hour, 26 minutes ago


Luna and Ginger2 hours, 18 minutes ago

thanks for an elf wm and 2 diamonds and a pink gem. yay! thanks!

Bree and Tallulah ♥ FFU2 hours, 27 minutes ago

Cardinal ty

Lore and Maggy 2 hours, 42 minutes ago


Patricia and Anabelle~Proud ALFF Member2 hours, 46 minutes ago

You lose them over and over,
sometimes on the same day.
When the loss, momentarily forgotten,
creeps up,
and attacks you from behind.
Fresh waves of grief as the realization hits home,
they are gone.
You don’t just lose someone once,
you lose them every time you open your eyes to a new dawn,
and as you awaken,
so does your memory,
so does the jolting bolt of lightning that rips into your heart,
they are gone.
Losing someone is a journey,
not a one-off.
There is no end to the loss,
there is only a learned skill on how to stay afloat,
when it washes over.
Be kind to those who are sailing this stormy sea,
they have a journey ahead of them,
and a daily shock to the system each time they realize,
they are gone,
You don’t just lose someone once,
you lose them every day,
for a lifetime.
Donna Ashworth

Lore and Maggy 3 hours, 10 minutes ago

Owl ty

Melanie and (¯`*♥Dark*3 hours, 57 minutes ago

(¯`*♥Sprinkles x

Laura and Limmerick4 hours, 24 minutes ago


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Welcome to Fairyland!

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Garden Owners
Jacqueline and Tara
Tara is It's not all about the critters and diamonds, it's more about the friends we make along the way.~ Thank you for being one of my friends ♥.♥♫♥♥♫❉♥♥Thank you for visiting our Garden¸
About This Garden
A Garden for the CATS &DOGS in Cornwall.
Come see what it is in the garden today????

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level IV (3592 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Snickers watered the Poinsettia
(2 minutes, 19 seconds ago)
Snickers watered the Poinsettia
(11 minutes ago)
Bubba watered the Ice Flower
(23 minutes, 20 seconds ago)
Mamaramasan watered the Ice Flower
(34 minutes, 21 seconds ago)
Mamaramasan watered the Poinsettia
(34 minutes, 41 seconds ago)
Oakmoss spotted a Robin here, earning 4 Diamonds!
(1 hour, 8 minutes ago)

Garden Age
15 years, 11 months

Report This Garden
  Ice Flower  
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Status:It's A Santa Snowman!
Age:9 years, 7 months old
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  Wild Berries (Triple Organic)  
Status:0 feeds remaining
Left Out:1 day, 13 hours ago
Wildlife Attracted
Elf White Mouse
Arrived 2 hours, 22 minutes ago
Spotted by Ginger after 3 minutes, 31 seconds
Reward: 2   1
Elf Pygmy Mouse
Arrived 5 hours, 36 minutes ago
Spotted by Anna after 29 seconds
Reward: 4   1
Elf Field Mouse
Arrived 7 hours, 47 minutes ago
Spotted by willow after 25 minutes, 38 seconds
Reward: 2
Elf Field Mouse
Arrived 10 hours, 32 minutes ago
Spotted by Greta after 57 seconds
Reward: 2   1
Elf White Mouse
Arrived 12 hours, 26 minutes ago
Spotted by STEFAN after 6 minutes, 32 seconds
Reward: 2
Elf White Mouse
Arrived 14 hours, 51 minutes ago
Spotted by Binx after 1 second
Reward: 2   1
Elf Field Mouse
Arrived 17 hours, 10 minutes ago
Spotted by Astra NDMP, FFU, FF Unlimited after 18 minutes
Reward: 2
Elf Field Mouse
Arrived 19 hours, 56 minutes ago
Spotted by PITA after 53 minutes, 53 seconds
Reward: 2
Elf Pygmy Mouse
Arrived 22 hours, 6 minutes ago
Spotted by Sweet Orchid after 2 minutes, 58 seconds
Reward: 4   1
Elf White Mouse
Arrived 1 day ago
Spotted by G'Nikkolai FFU STORY TELLER (Christine). after 50 seconds
Reward: 2   1
Elf White Mouse
Arrived 1 day, 2 hours ago
Spotted by Sugarplum after 4 minutes, 45 seconds
Reward: 2   1
Elf Pygmy Mouse
Arrived 1 day, 4 hours ago
Spotted by Twinkle *GARDEN OF WONDER* after 5 minutes, 17 seconds
Reward: 4
Elf Pygmy Mouse
Arrived 1 day, 7 hours ago
Spotted by Lilith after 52 seconds
Reward: 4   1
Elf Field Mouse
Arrived 1 day, 10 hours ago
Spotted by Baby after 15 minutes, 34 seconds
Reward: 2
Elf White Mouse
Arrived 1 day, 12 hours ago
Spotted by Lilith after 1 minute, 32 seconds
Reward: 2   1
  Holiday Calendar  
Status:Day 5 of 31
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  Bird Mix (Superfood)  
Status:9 feeds remaining
Left Out:13 hours, 26 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Arrived 1 hour, 8 minutes ago
Spotted by Oakmoss after 24 seconds
Reward: 4   1
Arrived 2 hours, 30 minutes ago
Spotted by Tallulah ♥ FFU after 2 minutes, 49 seconds
Reward: 2   1
Snowy Owl
Arrived 3 hours, 19 minutes ago
Spotted by Maggy after 9 minutes, 7 seconds
Reward: 2
Elf Mallard
Arrived 4 hours, 54 minutes ago
Spotted by Snickers after 5 minutes, 32 seconds
Reward: 2
Snowy Owl
Arrived 5 hours, 35 minutes ago
Spotted by Jack after 1 second
Reward: 2   1
Snowy Owl
Arrived 6 hours, 53 minutes ago
Spotted by Daisy after 3 seconds
Reward: 2   1
Snowy Owl
Arrived 8 hours, 3 minutes ago
Spotted by Peaseblossom after 23 minutes, 47 seconds
Reward: 2
Elf Mallard
Arrived 9 hours, 45 minutes ago
Spotted by Maeri Faeri And Her Wonderdog Arrowulf, GG66 after 1 minute, 3 seconds
Reward: 2   1
Arrived 11 hours, 1 minute ago
Spotted by Gnome after 10 minutes, 57 seconds
Reward: 2
Snowy Owl
Arrived 11 hours, 39 minutes ago
Spotted by Maggy after 1 minute, 41 seconds
Reward: 2   1
Elf Field Mouse
Arrived 13 hours, 16 minutes ago
Spotted by Rosa (Norway) after 2 minutes, 28 seconds
Reward: 2   1
  Festive Tree  
Age:1 day, 8 hours old
  Ice Flower  
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