Jane and Astra's No Rules Enchanted Snail Caravan 

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Garden Owners
Jane and Astra NDMP, FFU, FF Unlimited
Astra NDMP, FFU, FF Unlimited is very happy to finish Topiaries and thanks everyone who helped
About This Garden
Jane and Astra's No Rules Enchanted Snail Caravan
Utopia is a garden of healing and love, where anyone can come whenever they need a little peace and restoration, to relax away from the stresses of modern life and reflect in the healing rays of the angels. There is a beautiful lake and fairy forest.

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level VI (27921 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Limmerick watered the Daffodil
(2 minutes, 39 seconds ago)
Teresa watered the Daffodil
(6 minutes, 4 seconds ago)
Honeybunny watered the Daffodil
(7 minutes, 35 seconds ago)
~'*'~Star Bright~'*'~ West Wales~'*' (Stella) watered the Daffodil
(26 minutes, 37 seconds ago)
Fingolfin NDMP And FFG spotted a Chocolate Bunny here, earning 3 Diamonds!
(28 minutes, 30 seconds ago)
Fingolfin NDMP And FFG watered the Daffodil
(28 minutes, 30 seconds ago)

Garden Age
16 years, 4 months

Report This Garden
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  Forest Amethyst  
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
  Nesting Tree  
Status:Hatched! (Chocolate Eggshell)
Built by:[show]
  Nesting Tree  
Status:Incubating (Yellow Egg)
Built by:[show]
  Wild Berries (Triple Organic)  
Status:10 feeds remaining
Left Out:11 hours, 18 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Chocolate Bunny
Arrived 38 minutes, 24 seconds ago
Spotted by Fingolfin NDMP And FFG after 9 minutes, 54 seconds
Reward: 3
Field Mouse
Arrived 4 hours, 53 minutes ago
Spotted by Link after 18 minutes, 48 seconds
Reward: 1
Field Mouse
Arrived 6 hours, 35 minutes ago
Spotted by Tink after 11 minutes, 18 seconds
Reward: 1
White Mouse
Arrived 8 hours, 18 minutes ago
Spotted by )0( ɃƦƐƐZƐ )0( after 19 minutes, 52 seconds
Reward: 1
White Mouse
Arrived 10 hours, 23 minutes ago
Spotted by Gossamer after 12 minutes, 28 seconds
Reward: 1
  Nesting Tree  
Status:Incubating (Blue Egg)
Built by:[show]
  Nesting Tree  
Status:Incubating (Blue Egg)
Built by:[show]
  Veggies (Triple Organic)  
Status:10 feeds remaining
Left Out:11 hours, 18 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Arrived 38 minutes, 33 seconds ago
Spotted by Fingolfin NDMP And FFG after 9 minutes, 56 seconds
Reward: 1
Easter Bunny
Arrived 4 hours, 16 minutes ago
Spotted by }i{ Violet Dandelion }i{ after 19 minutes, 35 seconds
Reward: 2
Easter Bunny
Arrived 6 hours, 32 minutes ago
Spotted by Tink after 8 minutes, 16 seconds
Reward: 2
Easter Bunny
Arrived 8 hours, 31 minutes ago
Spotted by )0( ɃƦƐƐZƐ )0( after 32 minutes, 53 seconds
Reward: 2
Field Mouse
Arrived 10 hours, 39 minutes ago
Spotted by Gossamer after 27 minutes, 44 seconds
Reward: 1

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