Sunbeams and Doormats 

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Garden Owners
Tracey and Cobweb
Cobweb usually gives gold for seahorses and chicks spotted. But leave me arsey messages because you left big gaps so I had to water myself? Yeah, nah.
About This Garden
Sunbeams and Doormats
For my darling Nellie. A place where there are always cuddles, a warm shoulder to lie on, ear-rubs on demand, and doormats which always catch the brightest sunbeams. Nearly 21; you were meant to live forever. I love you and miss you x

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Levels Completed! (647750 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Cobweb froze the Garden
(1 hour, 29 minutes ago)
Cobweb removed a Yellow Egg
(1 hour, 32 minutes ago)
Cobweb removed a Red Egg
(1 hour, 34 minutes ago)
Cobweb removed a Blue Eggshell
(1 hour, 34 minutes ago)
Cobweb unfroze the Garden
(1 hour, 34 minutes ago)
Cobweb froze the Garden
(2 hours, 19 minutes ago)

Garden Age
16 years, 5 months

Report This Garden
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...

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