Anthony's Place! 

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Garden Owners
Cynthia and Meghan
Meghan is missing her furbaby,,Steamy,who crossed the rainbow bridge 12/4/2021. best kitty ever!!!
About This Garden
Anthony's Place!
come and sit a spell to relax and find peace!

30 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary III
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level I (140 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Garden Critter revived a wilting Easter Egg Plant
(21 hours, 17 minutes ago)
Blanco revived a wilting Daffodil
(1 day, 13 hours ago)
Blanco revived a wilting Daffodil
(1 day, 13 hours ago)
Pip The Pest Garden. watered the Ice Flower
(3 days, 1 hour ago)
Pip The Pest Garden. watered the Ice Flower
(3 days, 1 hour ago)
Meghan watered the Daffodil
(3 days, 14 hours ago)

Garden Age
16 years, 6 months

Report This Garden
  Bird Mix (Triple Regular)  
Status:12 feeds remaining
Left Out:11 hours, 54 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Field Mouse
Arrived 2 hours, 45 minutes ago
Stayed 55 minutes, 45 seconds but wasn't spotted
White Mouse
Arrived 6 hours, 40 minutes ago
Stayed 58 minutes, 38 seconds but wasn't spotted
Arrived 9 hours, 40 minutes ago
Stayed 58 minutes, 7 seconds but wasn't spotted
  Low Table  
  Nesting Tree  
Status:Nest 60% complete
Built by:[show]
  Nesting Tree  
Status:Nest completed!
Built by:[show]
  Ice Flower  
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  Holiday Calendar  
Status:Day 30 of 31
  Easter Egg Plant  
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!

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