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 The Garden Wall  

Weasel and Rosalind1 minute, 2 seconds ago


Antoinette and Bubolar 2 minutes, 34 seconds ago

♡ 𝑺𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒔 ♡

Elizabeth and Lizzie7 minutes, 34 seconds ago


Karen and And Jack And His Pesky Pal Eddie 12 minutes, 34 seconds ago


Penny and Fat Fairy!!14 minutes, 51 seconds ago

ღ 🦊¸.✨*´🍄☽

Our Red and Orange Chameleon and our Easter Chicks are being missed - Please pop in for a Visit XX

Spotted an Orange Baby Chick - Thank You XX

Margaret and ❤️.•* ­⭐️ARIA( Margaret)⭐️*•.?20 minutes, 6 seconds ago

Good Luck

Estelle and Steltjie24 minutes, 15 seconds ago

Wobbly alert

Josie and Maggie34 minutes, 52 seconds ago

💦Have a wonderful day!
 .¸\ĺ⁄, 💙♫  ♪ •.¸♫ 🐦

Trish and Crocus38 minutes, 53 seconds ago

Sprinkle/s returned ty Margaret

Margaret and ❤️.•* ­⭐️ARIA( Margaret)⭐️*•.?39 minutes, 47 seconds ago

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.

Please excuse me if I just visit and not sprinkle every time.  Feel Free to do the same

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Garden Owners
Margaret and ❤️.•* ­⭐️ARIA( Margaret)⭐️*•.
❤️.•* ­⭐️ARIA( Margaret)⭐️*•. Needs to attract Violet and Indigo Eggs
About This Garden
Eevee is loving school

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Levels Completed! (639544 Scrolls)
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Garden Level 42

Garden News
Bubolar watered the Rainbow Butterpillaflora
(2 minutes, 40 seconds ago)
❤️.•* ­⭐️ARIA( Margaret)⭐️*•.? removed an Orange Egg
(3 minutes, 15 seconds ago)
❤️.•* ­⭐️ARIA( Margaret)⭐️*•.? removed a Rainbow Egg
(4 minutes, 30 seconds ago)
Lizzie watered the Easter Egg Plant
(7 minutes, 40 seconds ago)
❤️.•* ­⭐️ARIA( Margaret)⭐️*•.? sprinkled Diamond Dust on an Easter Egg Plant, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(9 minutes, 12 seconds ago)
❤️.•* ­⭐️ARIA( Margaret)⭐️*•.? sprinkled Diamond Dust on an Easter Egg Plant, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(9 minutes, 16 seconds ago)

Garden Age
16 years, 7 months

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  Bird Mix (Organic)  
Status:5 feeds remaining
Left Out:12 minutes, 3 seconds ago
Wildlife Attracted
(Nothing, yet!)
  Nesting Tree  
Status:Nest completed!
Built by:[show]
  Nesting Tree  
Status:Incubating (Blue Egg)
Built by:[show]
  Nesting Tree  
Status:Incubating (Indigo Egg)
Built by:[show]
  Rainbow Butterpillaflora  
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  Nesting Tree  
Status:Hatched! (Chocolate Eggshell)
Built by:[show]
  Easter Egg Plant  
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  Easter Egg Plant  
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