Lisa, Vienna and Gracey's Garden 

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Garden Owners
Lisa and Vienna
Vienna is sending out lots of fairy love! ~Xx~
About This Garden
Lisa, Vienna and Gracey's Garden
A No-Rules Public Plus Garden where everyone is welcome! My name is Lisa and I live in NE England. Vienna is our calico kitty in heaven and Gracey is our current beloved adoptee. Search "Lisa and Vienna's Fairyland Club" on FB for my group ~Xx~

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level II (337 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Lacey watered the Ice Flower
(9 minutes, 9 seconds ago)
Moonwillow spotted a Elf Pygmy Mouse here, earning 4 Diamonds!
(11 minutes, 45 seconds ago)
Moonwillow watered the Ice Flower
(11 minutes, 45 seconds ago)
And Maxximus. Hockey Night In Canada ! watered the Ice Flower
(17 minutes, 46 seconds ago)
And Maxximus. Hockey Night In Canada ! spotted a Elf White Mouse here, earning 2 Diamonds!
(17 minutes, 56 seconds ago)
And Maxximus. Hockey Night In Canada ! watered the Ice Flower
(17 minutes, 56 seconds ago)

Garden Age
16 years, 5 months

Report This Garden
  Ice Flower  
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  Wild Berries (Superfood)  
Status:18 feeds remaining
Left Out:1 hour, 34 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Elf White Mouse
Arrived 19 minutes ago
Spotted by And Maxximus. Hockey Night In Canada ! after 1 minute, 4 seconds
Reward: 2   1
Elf Pygmy Mouse
Arrived 1 hour, 25 minutes ago
Spotted by Tiggy after 3 minutes, 38 seconds
Reward: 4   1
  Festive Tree  
Age:18 hours, 31 minutes old
  Holiday Calendar  
Status:Day 5 of 31
Status:It's A Santa Snowman!
Age:6 years, 10 months old
  Wild Berries (Superfood)  
Status:18 feeds remaining
Left Out:1 hour, 34 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Elf Pygmy Mouse
Arrived 14 minutes ago
Spotted by Moonwillow after 2 minutes, 15 seconds
Reward: 4   1
Elf White Mouse
Arrived 1 hour, 25 minutes ago
Spotted by Tiggy after 4 minutes, 3 seconds
Reward: 2   1
  Ice Flower  
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