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Gini and Bluebell

 and Bluebell N JULIO FuzZybums The Smiler5 years, 5 months ago

Could someone please help me, in 10 years I've never had a Percy Pineapple in my garden. I have tried all my pots and alot of gold but nothing. Where or when do the Crystal Ball pots become available or do I have to play a quest to receive one?
Kind Regards,
Gini. xx

Tracey and Cobweb5 years, 5 months ago

The crystal ball pots have been part of the calendar (during December) for the past couple of years.

The pot you use doesn't influence which variety of the Fructus you get, it is (as the name suggests) completely random.  The crystal ball pot shows you what you'll get, but you can still get Percy in any ordinary pot.

 and Bluebell N JULIO FuzZybums The Smiler5 years, 5 months ago

I realize that, but as I said I've tried all my pots including pots bought and so far no luck, so I'd like to try the Crystal Ball pot. xx

Tracey and Cobweb5 years, 5 months ago

Trying all your pots doesn't change anything though - the pot doesn't make any difference :)

We won't know whether the crystal ball pot is coming back this year until the calendar is released.

Rachel and Sparkles5 years, 5 months ago

I think Tracey's point is that if you get a banana in an alchemy pot (for example), you would've gotten that same banana in a birthstone pot or any other.  The fruit is not determined by the pot we use, so you can use the same pot over and over and still eventually get a Percy. :)

Tracey and Cobweb5 years, 5 months ago

Yes, exactly.  It's the seed which determines the fruit, not the pot.

 and Bluebell N JULIO FuzZybums The Smiler5 years, 5 months ago

Okay thanks alot. xx

 and 420 Fiona5 years, 5 months ago

It really isn’t special at all of you use the crystal ball to get one. I would just keep trying. :)
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